// Healthcare Futures Simulator - JavaScript Version function introduction() { alert(`Welcome to 'Healthcare Futures Simulator'!\n\nIn this game, you are a pharmaceutical executive shaping the future of healthcare over the next decade.\n\nYour goal is to balance Cost, Access, and Innovation while navigating unforeseen challenges.\n\nGood luck!`); } function displayMetrics(metrics) { alert(`Current Metrics:\n\nCost: ${metrics.Cost} (Lower is better for affordability)\nAccess: ${metrics.Access} (Higher is better for patient access)\nInnovation: ${metrics.Innovation} (Higher is better for future treatments)`); } function makeDecision(year) { const options = [ "Invest heavily in cutting-edge drug research (+Innovation, -Cost, -Access)", "Reduce drug prices to improve affordability (-Innovation, +Access, +Cost)", "Expand patient assistance programs (+Access, -Cost)", "Lobby for extended patent protections (+Innovation, -Access)", "Cut costs by reducing R&D investments (-Innovation, +Cost)" ]; let choice; while (!choice || choice < 1 || choice > options.length) { choice = parseInt(prompt(`Year ${year}: Choose your strategy:\n\n${options.map((option, index) => `${index + 1}. ${option}`).join('\n')}\n\nEnter the number of your choice:`)); } return choice; } function applyDecision(choice, metrics) { switch (choice) { case 1: // Invest heavily in R&D metrics.Innovation += 10; metrics.Cost -= 5; metrics.Access -= 5; break; case 2: // Reduce drug prices metrics.Innovation -= 5; metrics.Access += 10; metrics.Cost += 10; break; case 3: // Expand patient assistance programs metrics.Access += 10; metrics.Cost -= 5; break; case 4: // Lobby for extended patents metrics.Innovation += 10; metrics.Access -= 5; break; case 5: // Cut R&D investments metrics.Innovation -= 10; metrics.Cost += 5; break; } // Ensure metrics stay within bounds (0 to 100) metrics.Cost = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, metrics.Cost)); metrics.Access = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, metrics.Access)); metrics.Innovation = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, metrics.Innovation)); return metrics; } function randomEvent(metrics) { const events = [ { message: "A breakthrough in AI reduces research costs (+Innovation, +Cost)", impact: { Innovation: 5, Cost: 5 } }, { message: "A public backlash demands lower drug prices (-Cost, +Access, -Innovation)", impact: { Cost: -10, Access: 5, Innovation: -5 } }, { message: "A global pandemic increases demand for your treatments (+Access, -Cost)", impact: { Access: 10, Cost: -5 } }, { message: "Government regulations tighten, raising costs (-Cost, -Access)", impact: { Cost: -10, Access: -5 } }, { message: "A competitor releases a groundbreaking new drug (-Access, -Innovation)", impact: { Access: -5, Innovation: -5 } } ]; const event = events[Math.floor(Math.random() * events.length)]; alert(`Random Event: ${event.message}`); for (const key in event.impact) { metrics[key] += event.impact[key]; } // Ensure metrics stay within bounds (0 to 100) metrics.Cost = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, metrics.Cost)); metrics.Access = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, metrics.Access)); metrics.Innovation = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, metrics.Innovation)); return metrics; } function main() { introduction(); // Initialize metrics let metrics = { Cost: 50, Access: 50, Innovation: 50 }; // Game loop for (let year = 1; year <= 10; year++) { displayMetrics(metrics); const choice = makeDecision(year); metrics = applyDecision(choice, metrics); metrics = randomEvent(metrics); } // End of game alert(`Game Over!\n\nFinal Metrics:\n\nCost: ${metrics.Cost}\nAccess: ${metrics.Access}\nInnovation: ${metrics.Innovation}\n\nThank you for playing 'Healthcare Futures Simulator'! Reflect on the complexities of balancing patient access, affordability, and innovation.`); } main();

Health Care Game